+43 2275 5566


This machine was designed for tilling catch crops and for the mechanical control of weeds and volunteer grain.

Two rows of spring tines (70x12 mm) with 20 cm wide coulters break up the ground at the required depth and uproot the plants. Behind the rows of spring tines, a heavy bar roller or a toothed ring packer roller firms and levels the ground. Spring-mounted side plates prevent ridging.
If just the front roller is needed, the tines element can be removed by simply uncoupling 3 bolts.

On well-prepared ground, the power harrow can be applied very shallow.
The end result is less wear, lower fuel consumption, more area performance, and a weed-free, level seedbed with more moisture in the seed horizon.



  • together with the power harrow
  • before sowing
  • also usable only as a front roller
  • working depth of 5 – 12cm


  • 2 rows of tines 70x12mm
  • completely uniform arrangement of tines
  • cage roller or toothed ring packer roller


  • due to excellent levelling higher speeds with power harrow possible
  • great area performance
  • saving of an operation possible
  • economical cultivation
    Working width [m] Weight [kg] Machine equipment
    2.5 770 with cage roller
    3.0 850 with cage roller
    3.0 1,100 with toothed ring packer roller


    • 2 rows of tines
    • High-quality spring tines 70×12 mm
    • Wide coulters 20 cm
    • Underframe clearance 59 cm
    • Heavy-duty cage roller Ø 50 cm
    • Double-sealed special ball bearings
    • Complete frame made of steel ST 52 / S355
    • Sprung deflectors
    • Toothed ring packer roller Ø 50 cm with scrapers
    • Warning signs with lighting and flashing system

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