The high, straight spring tines of the separate elements are guided accurately at the required working depth by one solidification roller at the front and two cage rollers at the rear – irrespective of the particular soil condition.
The individual spring tine elements adapt exactly to the contour of the field in driving direction, thus the field is always worked equally deep and is levelled perfectly.
Due to the 5 rows of tines, a large number of tines with 6.5 cm tine spacing and the 3 rows of rollers, a perfect seedbed is created: on the top loose and fine, in the desired working depth well solidified and moist.
The seeds find ideal conditions for an even and rapid germination.
Unlike 3-point implements that have to be operated at high tyre pressure, trailed devices only require a relatively low tyre pressure on the tractor.
This makes the tracks very shallow and the seedbed can therefore be tilled very flat.
Furthermore, road transport at longer distances is much more comfortable and safer with trailed equipment.