The trailed stubble cultivator achieves a uniform and fine mixing with 5 rows of tines and the narrow tine spacing of 13cm.
Heap formations and blockages are prevented by the regular tine distribution and an extreme underbeam clearance of 59cm.
Due to the large number of spring tines, the soil is thoroughly mixed and levelled by the rollers.
Two large cage rollers ensure the implement is easy to pull and guarantee optimum reconsolidation.
The working depth is adjusted over the cage rollers with hydraulic cylinders, which are regulated by aluminium fixing hooks.
The trailed stubble cultivator is very agile thanks to the ideal positioning of the chassis in the overall construction, which makes transport by road and turning very easy.
It can also be supplied a unit without rollers for extremely moist conditions. Four wheels of equal size are adjusted hydraulically to set the required working depth.