Economic seedbed preparation.
Precision seedbed cultivator
The precise seedbed cultivator.
Trailed seedbed cultivator
The seedbed cultivator with high impact.
Trailed Cambridge roller
Prevents drying out of the soil.
Stubble cultivator
The 5-bar universal implement.
Trailed stubble cultivator
The powerful stubble cultivator.
Trailed chisel plough
The 5-bar cultivator with extreme passage.
The easy to pull two-layer-subsoiler.
Trailed subsoiler
The two-layer-subsoiler for large tractors.
Trailed compact disc harrow
Guaranteed penetration by extremely high dead weight.
Mulch shredder
Fine work due to high cutting speed.
Front implement
Perfect work preparation prior power harrow.
Front cultivator
For a weed-free, level seedbed.